After School
Mosk has two after school choices available to families, Boys and Girls Club and Beyond the Bell, Youth Services. Please click on the links below to apply to either of those programs.
Boys and Girls Club
Update 7/30/2024
Boys and Girls Club has picked up all paper applications that were filled out and turned in before June 28. They are in the process of contacting all families that applied.
Families must still complete the Boys and Girls Club application online.
Once a guardian completes the application, a confirmation of receipt will be sent out through email within one business day. This will confirm that their application is being processed and will notify them to expect a text message with next steps for enrollment.
The online application is available at
For help with enrollment, please call 818-915-2241.
Mosk Boys and Girls Club can be reached directly @ 818-617-4283 or [email protected].

Youth Services (YS) provides services to students from dismissal until 6:00 PM. The goals of the program are to provide wholesome, supervised enrichment, fitness, and other sport activities in safe neighborhood environments. The program emphasizes physical fitness that develops basic movement skills, strong and healthy bodies, teamwork, sportsmanship, cooperative social skills and activities that reinforce the skills learned in the regular instructional program.
Applications are available in the MOSK main office.
Applications for the 2024-25 School Year are now being accepted. Please come to the office to pick up and fill out a paper application. There is no online application at this time.